

The world's largest island, located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, characterized by vast ice sheets and a sparse, mostly Inuit, population.

Greenland Guides

  • Unbelievable Natural Hot Springs

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Gorgeous geothermally heated water rising from the earth's crust is one of nature's greatest gifts, providing stress reduction as well as aiding with skin concerns. Along with wellness benefits, hot springs also make for an entirely luxurious spa-like experience, and with these glowing pools of stunning and fresh heated water existing around the world, there are plenty of picturesque destinations to sample throughout your travels. We put together a list of the most impressive natural hot springs from around the globe so you can truly indulge in relaxation with destinations including mountainous landscapes, opulent palaces, and luxury spas. Let's take a dip, seekers.
  • Capital Cities of Europe

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Coastal towns and sparkling metropolises, across the sprawling continent of Europe there is so much to uncover and experience. Whether you seek picturesque villages painted in pastel colors or cosmopolitan flair, Europe has the perfect city for you to explore. Here is our collection of capital cities in Europe.
  • World Heritage Sites in North America

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Sprawling natural parks with unique wildlife, ancient and mysterious temples, world-renown monuments, and more- the continent of North America is one with a deep history to be uncovered. Explore some of humankind's most famous mysteries and witness nature's magnificence at these UNESCO designated world heritage sites across the massive continent.
  • World Heritage Sites in Europe

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Throughout the vast continent of Europe, there are endless adventures to uncover. Here is a collection of the most awe-inspiring World Heritage sites across Europe, including mesmerizing landmarks, bustling cities, and gorgeous natural landscapes. Uncover some of the most mysterious and beautiful travel destinations on the planet with this bucket-list-worthy selection.
  • Bucket List Trips!

    blamothe1 (Barbie LaMothe)
  • The NeverEnding Bucket List

    travelwelldunn (Bryana Dunn)
    I love making sure things are firmly written down to put them in action! I want to do all these and More! Have you done any of these? I’ll continuously add when I complete something! Let’s go!
  • Do Before I Die Destinations

    chiefseeker (Jody Vandergriff)
    This is my big bucket list of places to see before I die. #seekerchallenge
  • Post Covid Travel Destination Goals

    nicolejordan (Nicole Jordan)
  • Nat Geo's 20 Trending Destinations

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Nat Geo has their finger on the pulse in terms of trendy destinations to add to your bucket list. While these destinations are recently lighting up on Traveller's minds worldwide, they also have amazing historical significance and have been attracting streams of adventurers for years. From the ancient pyramids towering in sandy Egypt to the lush natural landscape of Vietnam, let's take a look at Nat Geo's selection of trending destinations.
  • New York Times' 52 Places

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Leave it to The New York Times to curate such a lengthy list of life-changing locations for their iconic 52 Places list. These unique travel destinations across the world were selected by pros for being breathtakingly beautiful and providing awe-inspiring experiences. From the towering ancient pyramids of Egypt to the neon bustling metropolis of Tokyo, there is a lot of vacation inspo for your next big adventure.

Greenland Articles

  • The Top Travel Trends and Destinations for 2021

    At the beginning of my first big trip just a decade ago, I bought a hideously overpriced phone card, made my way to one of those famous London phone booths, and called my parents back in Australia to let them know I’d arrived safely. I used the same phone to call around to hostels to […]

  • Northern Lights: 4 Epic Ways to See Nature’s Wonder

    Luxurious arctic winter adventures may seem like an oxymoron, we admit, yet with these epic ways to see the Northern Lights, you’ll view all the action (without all the freezing!) Read on to discover how. The Northern Lights rate highly on most globetrotters’ bucket-list, yet if you’re anything like me (infected by serious wanderlust yet […]