Argentina Buenos Aires Buenos Aires

Casa Rosada

The iconic pink-hued presidential palace and office of Argentina's president, located in the capital city with a famous balcony facing Plaza de Mayo.

Casa Rosada Guides

  • Buenos Aires

    ederiveroguzman (Estefania De Rivero)
  • Places to visit in Buenos Aires, ARG

    byromalaga (Ro Malaga)
    This a bucket list of places you should include in your visit to Buenos Aires city. Mainly if its your first time there. Let yourself surprise with the beauty and history this city carries with. Before building your checklist I wanna make sure you understand the difference in between Buenos Aires as the city and Buenos Aires as the province. In Argentina, the territory is divided by provinces (like states) and there's a lot of confusion when for example I tell people I am from Buenos Aires. Many people who were lucky enough to visit it, understand I was born in the city. I totally get the confusion, that is why I wanna clarify to you, there's two different Buenos Aires. So this list is about the city itself. Let's explore!

Casa Rosada Articles

  • The Biggest Pride Parades Around the World 2022

    Each June, we honor the anniversary of Stonewall Uprising: the historic event that marked the start of the modern movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex and asexual rights (LGBTQIA+) across the globe. To celebrate, hundreds of Pride parades will take place in every nook and cranny of the world. With demonstrations, seminars, parties, […]