United States Alaska Fairbanks

Chena Hot Springs Resort

A thermal spring destination in Fairbanks, Alaska, offering soothing waters, aurora viewing, and rustic accommodations.

Tips from the community

Chena Hot Springs is a wonderful destination to explore. The ice castle was my absolute favorite. Having the opportunity to see the amazing ice sculptures allowed me and my family to be reminded that the world is full of amazing things to see. While it was freezing in there and slightly out of my comfort zone with that level of cold, I would absolutely go there again. Not overnight, lol... which is apparently a thing that people pay to do. Don't worry... you get a coat to go over your coat when you enter and they provide appletinis that are amazing in a custom ice-carved glass that you get to throw and make a wish. In fact, the appletini may have been my favorite part. shhhh

llove 2 years ago

Chena Hot Springs Resort Guides