Australia Queensland Cape Tribulation

Daintree Rainforest

Ancient tropical rainforest renowned for its biodiversity, part of the Wet Tropics and a haven for endemic wildlife and lush flora.

Tips from the community

It hardly gets more Australian than the rugged wilderness of the Daintree Rainforest: a Northern Queensland favorite that’s frequented by backpackers and hardcore nature enthusiasts alike. Supposedly, there are about 70 crocodiles lazing around in the Daintree River, so keep your limbs inside the boat should you go on a tour.

sarahlempa 3 years ago

Daintree Rainforest Guides

Daintree Rainforest Articles

  • 14 Green Places You Need to Add to Your Bucket List

    “Are they talking about sustainability or what?”  —Most people, before reading this introduction. No folks, we’re talking about literal green places— although it makes sense that the two usually go hand-in-hand. From rainforests and misty pine tree-covered wonderlands to emerald-colored palaces and living, breathing skyscrapers, “green travel” brings an impressive amount of beauty. Buckle up and […]