List of National Parks in South America

Seeker Editors

Throughout the expansive and diverse continent of South America, there are endless amounts of national parks packed full of breathtaking views and gorgeous landscapes to experience. We have put together a list of *all* the national parks throughout South America, and if you are seeking sunny adventures this summer- take a look.

Yurubí National Park, Yapacana National Park, Yacambu National Park, Parque Nacional Turuépano, Tirgua General Manuel Manrique National Park, Terepaima National Park, Tapo Caparo National Park, Sierra Nevada National Park, Parque Nacional Sierra de Perijá, Parc national Sierra de La Culata, Parque Nacional Serranía La Neblina, Parque Nacional Capanaparo-Cinaruco, Parque Nacional San Esteban, Río Viejo San Camilo National Park, Río Viejo San Camilo National Park, Peninsula de Paria National Park, Parque Nacional Parima Tapirapecó, Parque nacional Morrocoy, Mochima National Park, Medanos De Coro National Park

  • Yurubí National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Yurubí National Park on Seeker
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      Yurubí National Park is a protected natural area located in the state of Yaracuy, Venezuela. The park boasts a diverse range of flora and fauna, including more than 300 species of birds and over 2,000 species of plants. Visitors can take part in a variety of activities, such as hiking, bird watching, and wildlife spotting, while enjoying the picturesque landscapes and fresh air. The park provides an excellent opportunity to experience the unspoiled beauty of Venezuela's natural wonders.

  • Yapacana National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Yapacana National Park on Seeker
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      Yapacana National Park is a fascinating nature reserve located in the heart of the Amazonas region in Venezuela. Spanning over 3,715 square kilometers, it is home to a vast array of plant and animal species, including jaguars, anacondas, and giant otters. Visitors can hike through the park's lush rainforest, canoe along winding rivers, and explore its many waterfalls and caves. It is renowned as one of South America's most biodiverse and pristine wilderness areas.

  • Yacambu National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Yacambu National Park on Seeker
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      Yacambu National Park is a beautiful nature reserve located in Aurita Portuguesa, Venezuela, known for its stunning waterfalls, pristine lakes, and diverse animal population. Visitors can enjoy hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the lush flora and fauna of the park. Yacambu National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to South America in search of natural beauty and adventure.

  • Parque Nacional Turuépano, Venezuela

    Image of Parque Nacional Turuépano on Seeker
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      Parque Nacional Turuépano is located in the northeastern state of Sucre, Venezuela. This protected area covers over 220,000 hectares of pristine wilderness, including pristine forests, rivers, and lagoons. Visitors can enjoy a range of outdoor activities, such as hiking, birdwatching, and wildlife spotting, while taking in the breathtaking natural beauty of the park.

  • Tirgua General Manuel Manrique National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Tirgua General Manuel Manrique National Park on Seeker
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      Tirgua General Manuel Manrique National Park is a beautiful natural park located in Cojedes, Venezuela. Visitors can enjoy the breathtaking landscapes, unique flora and fauna, and a variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, and bird-watching. The park is famous for its diversity of ecosystems, including rainforests, dry forests, and grasslands, making it a must-visit destination for nature lovers exploring the list of National Parks in South America.

  • Terepaima National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Terepaima National Park on Seeker
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      Terepaima National Park is a natural gem in Portuguesa, Venezuela, and is a part of the List of National Parks in South America. Known for its breathtaking waterfalls, lush forests, and diverse fauna, the park is a popular destination for nature lovers and hikers. Visitors can explore the park's rugged landscapes, spot rare bird species, and enjoy the tranquility that comes with being surrounded by nature.

  • Tapo Caparo National Park, Venezuela

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      Tapo Caparo National Park is located in the Andes Mountains near Mérida, Venezuela. It boasts incredible views of the snow-capped mountains and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including the endangered Andean condor. Visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, and birdwatching while immersing themselves in the natural beauty of the Andes. The park is an important conservation area and a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts exploring South America's national parks.

  • Sierra Nevada National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Sierra Nevada National Park on Seeker
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      Sierra Nevada National Park is one of the most popular national parks in South America, situated in the Tabay Mérida region of Venezuela. Known for its unique flora and fauna, the park boasts of many high peaks, including the Pico Bolívar. Visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, and bird watching while taking in the breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains. The park is also home to several indigenous communities, offering a glimpse into the local culture and traditions.

  • Parque Nacional Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela

    Image of Parque Nacional Sierra de Perijá on Seeker
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      Parque Nacional Sierra de Perijá is a natural wonderland in Zulia, Venezuela that offers breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains. This national park, known for its rich biodiversity, has a diverse range of flora, including several species of orchids, and fauna like jaguars, pumas, and howler monkeys. Visitors can explore the park's rugged terrain, hike through forests, and take in scenic views of impressive waterfalls.

  • Parc national Sierra de La Culata, Venezuela

    Image of Parc national Sierra de La Culata on Seeker
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      Parc national Sierra de La Culata is located in the city of Mérida, Venezuela and offers visitors breathtaking views of the Andes mountain range. This national park is home to a wide range of unique plant and animal species, many of which are endemic to the region. Visitors can explore the park's numerous hiking trails, take part in birdwatching, and even go mountaineering.

  • Parque Nacional Serranía La Neblina, Venezuela

    Image of Parque Nacional Serranía La Neblina on Seeker
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      Parque Nacional Serranía La Neblina, located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Venezuela, offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore one of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems. With its vast network of trails, visitors can hike through stunning rainforest landscapes, encounter exotic wildlife, and witness breathtaking waterfalls. As one of South America's most spectacular national parks, it provides a once-in-a-lifetime experience for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

  • Parque Nacional Capanaparo-Cinaruco, Venezuela

    Image of Parque Nacional Capanaparo-Cinaruco on Seeker
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      Parque Nacional Capanaparo-Cinaruco is a protected area located in the state of Apure, Venezuela. It spans over 500,000 hectares and is home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna including giant anteaters, jaguars, and anacondas. Visitors can enjoy hiking or taking a river tour to explore the park's wetlands, savannas, forests, and rivers.

  • Parque Nacional San Esteban, Venezuela

    Image of Parque Nacional San Esteban on Seeker
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      Located in the northern region of Venezuela, Parque Nacional San Esteban is a popular national park for nature enthusiasts. Visitors can expect to see a diverse range of wildlife, including monkeys, deer, and various bird species, as well as breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and coastline. The park offers various hiking trails, picnic areas, and campsites for visitors to fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area.

  • Río Viejo San Camilo National Park, Venezuela

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      Río Viejo San Camilo National Park is located in the state of Táchira, Venezuela, and covers an area of over 36,000 hectares. This park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including jaguars, pumas, and spectacled bears. Visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, and bird watching, while taking in the breathtaking views of the Andes Mountains.

  • Río Viejo San Camilo National Park, Venezuela

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      Río Viejo San Camilo National Park, located in Táchira, Venezuela, is a lush natural oasis that provides visitors with stunning landscapes, incredible biodiversity, and a plethora of recreational activities. Spanning over 80,000 hectares, this park's most amazing feature is the Río Viejo river that runs through the center, cascading over rocks and creating crystal-clear pools that are perfect for swimming or fishing. With hiking options for all skill levels, this is a must-visit destination for nature lovers in South America.

  • Peninsula de Paria National Park, Venezuela

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      Peninsula de Paria National Park is a lush and diverse wildlife sanctuary located in Sucre, Venezuela. This park is perfect for nature lovers, with its dense forests, pristine beaches, and abundant biodiversity. Visitors can hike through the park's many trails, take a dip in the cool waters, or simply relax in the peaceful surroundings. This park is a must-visit destination on any list of national parks in South America.

  • Parque Nacional Parima Tapirapecó, Venezuela

    Image of Parque Nacional Parima Tapirapecó on Seeker
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      Parque Nacional Parima Tapirapecó, located in the southern Amazonas region of Venezuela, is a vast wilderness area covering over 1.8 million hectares. Home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, visitors can explore pristine rainforests, towering mountains, and winding rivers. This remote and rugged park is a must-visit for nature lovers seeking adventure and a chance to experience the true wilderness of South America.

  • Parque nacional Morrocoy, Venezuela

    Image of Parque nacional Morrocoy on Seeker
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      Parque Nacional Morrocoy is a stunning national park located in Tucacas Falcón, Venezuela, and is a must-visit destination on any trip to South America. With miles of white sandy beaches, the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, and a variety of marine life, this park is sure to impress nature lovers and beachgoers alike. Visitors can enjoy activities such as snorkelling, scuba diving, and boat tours to explore the park's coral reefs and mangroves.

  • Mochima National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Mochima National Park on Seeker
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      Mochima National Park boasts pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and lush vegetation, making it an idyllic destination for nature enthusiasts. This protected area in Sucre, Venezuela, is known for its diverse marine life, including dolphins, sea turtles, and colorful tropical fish. Visitors can enjoy activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and hiking while soaking in the breathtaking views of the coastal landscape.

  • Medanos De Coro National Park, Venezuela

    Image of Medanos De Coro National Park on Seeker
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      Medanos De Coro National Park offers visitors the chance to explore stunning sand dunes and enjoy a unique natural landscape in Punto Fijo Falcón, Venezuela. This park, designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is a great destination for hiking, camping, or simply taking in the incredible scenery. With its beautiful beaches, diverse flora and fauna, and fascinating cultural history, Medanos De Coro is a must-visit destination for any South American traveler.